*furiously wipes tears from eyes* Nope. No. No really, I’m not crying. *distant wailing from back of the car.* I promise you that isn’t me.

That was me. I finished The Book Thief  in the car surrounded by my family so having an emotional breakdown wouldn’t have been an acceptable thing to do. I assure you I was sobbing uncontrollably on the inside.

Rather than breaking down, I sat and stared thoughtfully out the window for a long while with my lips pressed closed. It’s one of those books that leaves you contemplating life and happiness and anguish.

I’m sure most of you have heard of The Book Thief before, as it was made into a movie five years ago or so, and continues to be a best seller. All of that being said, I’m not quite sure why it took me so long to get around to reading it. Perhaps because the story is narrated by Death? (It’s not as morbid as it sounds… never mind. It’s WWII, much dying and many tears are involved.)

Before I move on, here’s a brief plot summary. In a German train in 1939, Liesel Meminger watches her brother succumb to a coughing disease. The two were making their way to their new foster parents in Munich on Himmel Street. Only Liesel arrives. Despite her heartache, Liesel finds joy and love on Himmel Street. These introduce themselves to her in her sweet foster father, smart mouthed foster mother, mischievous best friend Rudy, kind Jewish hideaway Max, and in words. Liesel falls in love with books and with words, a love that propels her to steal them.

The story itself was simple, but so sweet and profound. Mr. Zusak really did an amazing job at portraying life as it was in Nazi Germany. There was happiness despite the evil. Goodness despite the heinous. This is what truly illuminated The Book Thief.

Now, it wouldn’t be right of me to end this review here because I had a couple of issues with this book.

  1. The language.

Almost everyone I know who has read this mention the profanity. They aren’t over exagerating. Of course I don’t condone the use of language, but I don’t mind the d word or the h word in as much as other words in books. This one went far beyond those two. Granted some of the more colorful metaphors where in German, but that doesn’t change their meanings. The biggest problem I had was the careless use of Jesus’s name. Jesus is our Savior. He is God. He deserves the glory due His name. To throw His name around so carelessly and without reverence is evil. I’m sorry. There’s not other way to put it.

2. The stealing.

Now of course I cheer for Liesel when she rescues precious books from Nazi fires. (Go Liesel!) But when she starts to steal from innocent people and joins a gang of teenagers who rob farms. Not cool friends. For the most part though, this was a minor issue.

3. The narrator.

The narrator of The Book Thief is Death. Now, I wouldn’t actually call this objectionable. But it is a point that you should consider before reading it. Rather than making the book excessively morbid, it actually highlights the goodness that shines through in the darkest of times, because even Death himself is looking for spots of light. To me, it truly added such an interesting contrast to the story and thoughtful perspective.

Overall, I absolutely loved The Book Thief. Mr. Zusak is an extremely creative author and crafts unique metaphors. (That one extended metaphor of falling snow in Frau Holtzapfel’s house, wow, just wow. Plain brilliance.) He evoked such feelings through his unconventional writing style. The friendships portrayed in the story are so sweet and loving and raw. Liesel and Rudy. Liesel and Max. Liesel and Papa. Liesel and Mama. (*wails incessantly over… never mind I mus’ent spoil the book*)

I definitely encourage you to read this modern masterpiece that celebrates life, love, and words. Really, that’s what words seek to portray, life and love. That is what makes them precious. Love and words are what shine through even in the darkest of eras.

“I have hated the words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right.” 


(Images from Google and Pinterest.)

10 responses to “Review: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak”

  1. Chary M. Avatar

    I will include this book in my list. Thanks 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. innah96 Avatar

    I loved your review! And I loved the Book Thief! Thought I do believe that her stealing was a lesson in her life, and she wouldn’t have realized some things if she hasn’t experienced that.

    Thank you for the amazing post! I should maybe re-read this book! It is so worth it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thebookshopbarista Avatar

      Thank you! I agree, about the stealing, it was a hard lesson, but a good one. Perhaps I should have worded that better in my review. Oh well.
      Rereading would definitely be worth it! Have you seen the movie?


      1. innah96 Avatar

        Yes, I have! I prefer the book though. I read the book before the movie, and the characters didn’t match my imagination 😀 It’s a lovely movie though.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. thebookshopbarista Avatar

        The book is usually better. Movies don’t typically chapter my visual idea of the characters either. I’ve heard good things about this one though! I’ll have to see it now that I’ve read it. 😊

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Ann Without an E Avatar

    I need to read this book. I started to once but I could get through the first chapter, I was to little, the thought of reading a book narrated by death was just to scary! It was the first movie that actually made me cry.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thebookshopbarista Avatar

      It’s a great read! But yes, I used to have a copy when I was younger but my mom got read of it because it dealt with too hefty of subject matter for an eleven year old. And yes! The choice that the author made is a bit odd and creepy, but the narrator made it all the more profound.
      I have yet to see the movie but if it’s anything like the book I know I’ll be shedding tears!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Brianna Faith Avatar

    The Book Thief is one of my favorite movies! I LOVE it! I did start reading the book a few years ago, but never finished it because I was so used to reading only Christian authors and was a little shocked by all the harsh language in it. I know it’s an amazing story though! I might give it another chance, after reading your review.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thebookshopbarista Avatar

      Yeah, the language is pretty strong but the message definitely overshadows it!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Summer Reads – The Bookshop Barista Avatar

    […] I have no words. The more my mind has dwelled on The Book Thief  the more my love for it grows. Zusak is remarkable author with his thought provoking metaphors and narrator. Such a touching story. It’s simply impossible read this book without being moved by it. My full review can be found here. […]


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